Why is theobromine better than caffeine?

Theobromine is a stimulant found in cacao that gives you calm energy and increases blood flow to the brain. It also helps increase oxygenation, nutrient delivery, detoxification and improves memory and mental focus.

Caffeine constricts blood vessels, reduces blood flow and cause an increase in blood pressure and anxiety.

How much caffeine is in OMYUM?

One serving contains less than 9 mg of caffeine.

Do your mushrooms contain oats or fillers?

Many mushroom supplements on the market contain grains, rice or oats ground up as filler.

Our mushroom are extracted only from the fruiting bodies for maximum potency and purity.
100% USDA organic, grown on wood and hand-harvested at full maturity. They are tested to confirm full-spectrum and contain >25% Beta-glucans (the good stuff), maximum potency and benefit. Yeah, they're SuperNatural!

What does OMYUM taste like?

Imagine an earthy European hot cocoa with a hint of cinnamon. The flavor is easy to customize. Prefer it sweeter? Simply add a little honey, monk fruit or stevia. Crave more creaminess? Add your favorite milk or creamer.

Here are more Omyum recipes to try..

How many servings come in a bag?

Each bag enables you to make 30 cups.

Can I get a sample?

We do not offer free samples. Our product is very expensive to create and we're confident you will be happy when you try it.

How can I edit the frequency of my subscription?

Log into your account to edit your subscription frequency. If you don't have an account yet, please register your account here. When registering, you must use the same email you used to purchase your order to see past purchases related to the account.

How can I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, log into your account. If you don't have an account yet, please register your account here. When registering, you must use the same email you used to purchase your order to see past purchases related to the account.

Can I add OMYUM to coffee?

Yes! Add a scoop of OMYUM to your coffee or espresso for a SuperNatural mocha.